Som3 e4Sy riDDL3s…

18 07 2008

1. I can not live without light, yet when light shines on me, i die. Who am I?

2. A rich man had just married with a woman. The woman had spent a lot of money of the rich man and she left him. But, after that the man became a millionaire. Why?

3. Among my siblings, I am the thinnest. I am in Paris, but not in France. Who am I?

4. A man was 20 years old in 2003 but 15 years old in 2008. Why?

5. A teacher taught roman number to the students. She asked the students to change number IX becomes 6 by writing only one line. How?

6. A man wanted a haircut and there are only 2 barbers in town. Looking in their shops, he noticed that the first was neat and the barber’s hair was nicely trimmed. Looking into the other shop, he noticed that it was untidy and the barber’s hair was cut badly. He decided to go to the second one. Why?

By : Raja Oktovin (senam_angka_sehat)



5 responses

8 09 2008

Ini kan ada di forum…hehehe

nomor 1. Shadow
nomor 3. I
Nomor 4. dia hidup di tahun sebelum masehi

10 09 2008

Ahahahahahah… Iya… :mrgreen:
Nick anda apa?? 🙄

10 09 2008

Saya SanctumSacre


12 12 2008

bole ikut jawab kan?

2. because the man was a billionaire… 😆
6. Keliatan kalo barber 1 dipotongin ama org lain…
kan ndak bisa motong rambut sendiri sampe bagus begitu..

sorry klo salah… 😥

12 12 2008

ekh sori ralat
karena hanya ada 2 barber maka ketauan klo rambut barber 1 dipotongin sama barber 2 dan rambut barber 2 dipotongin sama barber 1
jadi tau deh klo yg pinter motong rambut yg mana…. 😉

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